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3 Ways to Relieve Symptoms of Dry Eyes

Are you suffering from dry eyes? From preservative free eye drops such as Hyabak to punctal plugs and warm compresses, our Calgary optometrists can help restore the comfort and clarity to your vision.

Dry eye syndrome is a common condition that occurs when the eyes don’t make enough tears, or the tears evaporate too quickly. While the symptoms are often mild for most people, in severe cases, dry eyes can cause discomfort and:

  • Dry/sore eyes
  • Burning sensation
  • Red eyes
  • Blurred vision


Our Calgary Optometrists Provide Comprehensive Dry Eye Care

At Market Mall Eye Clinic, our Calgary eye doctors provide comprehensive dry eye care services, including diagnosis and treatment options such as hyabak eye drops, punctal plugs, and more, to keep your eyes healthy and vision as clear and comfortable as possible.

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3 Treatments For Dry Eyes to Ensure Comfortable Vision

If you are suffering from discomfort or itchiness caused by dry eyes, it’s important to book an appointment with your optometrist. He/she can help determine the cause and severity of your condition and provide the right course of treatment.

Some of these options include:

  1. Artificial Tears: For milder cases of dry eyes, the best treatment may be the daily use of artificial tears. These over-the-counter drops are available in a wide variety of ingredients and degree of lubrication.
  2. Prescription Eye Drops: In certain cases, your optometrist may recommended prescription eye drops instead of OTC artificial tears. These work to reduce inflammation in addition to lubricating your eyes.
  3. Punctal Plugs: Punctal plugs are a sterile device that is inserted into the opening of your tear-drainage ducts so that the tears can no longer drain away. This will keep your eyes moist and any redness at bay.

Home Remedies For Dry Eye Syndrome

Apart from the dry-eye treatments recommended by your eye doctor, there are several things you can do at home to relieve the symptoms of this condition including:

  • Blinking more frequently
  • Using warm compresses over your eyelids
  • Cleaning your eyelids at night with a mild cleanser such as diluted baby shampoo
  • Removing any eye makeup thoroughly
  • Taking frequent breaks during computer use
  • Wearing quality sunglasses when outdoors

Drinking more water and following a nutritious diet has also been found to improve the health of your vision and alleviate any of the discomfort associated with dry eye.



Call Today

To find out more about our dry eye care services, and how our Calgary optometrists can help you achieve clear and comfortable vision, visit us today at 3625 Shaganappi Trail NW, Calgary, Alberta T3A 0E2. Alternatively, you can contact us at 403-286-4884 or book an appointment online.

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