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4 Lifestyle Tips to Help Lower Your Risk of Developing Cataracts

June is Cataract Awareness month and in honour of this, here is a comprehensive guide to this eye condition from our NW Calgary eye doctors, some signs that you might require cataract surgery, and what you can do to prevent losing your sight.

As we age, our bodies and eyes undergo a series of changes, and one of these changes is the development of cataracts. Cataracts is a condition in which healthy and clear eye lenses become cloudy, resulting in reduced and blurred vision. 

While the majority of individuals who suffer from cataracts are over the age of 60, you should schedule regular eye exams with your NW Calgary optometrist if you have: 

  • Suffered an eye injury or trauma
  • Diabetes 
  • A congenital abnormality 
  • Other eye disorders, such as glaucoma 

Our NW Calgary Eye Doctors Offer Comprehensive Cataract Management Services and Eye Exams to Protect Your Vision 

At our Calgary eye clinic, our accredited optometrists are qualified and experienced in the diagnosis and management of cataracts. During a comprehensive eye exam, our eye doctor can check your ocular health and examine your lens carefully for any signs of cataract formation. 

We also offer pre and post-cataract surgery care, ensuring your vision remains clear, strong, and comfortable. 

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Cataract Prevention: 4 Diet and Lifestyle Tips to Keep Your Vision Clear

Did you know that cataracts are a leading cause of blindness in Canada? While there is no surefire way of preventing cataracts from developing, there are certain lifestyle changes you can make to lower your odds of getting them. 

These include: 

  1. Eating Right: Studies have suggested that people with diabetes are at greater risk of developing cataracts, which is why maintaining a healthy blood sugar level is important. However, eating right should be a priority for everyone. Including foods high in beta-carotene, vitamins C and E, and selenium in your diet may also help ward off cataract development. 
  2. Stick to a healthy lifestyle: Everyone knows that cigarettes pose many health risks to you, but did you know it can also affect your eyes? Smoking can increase your chances of developing cataracts, along with other eye conditions. In addition to quitting smoking, enjoy your alcohol in moderation because excessive consumption can also lead to a higher risk of cataract development. 
  3. Visit your eye doctor regularly: Even if your vision is clear and healthy, you must make yearly eye exams a priority. Routine visits allow your optometrist to check for signs of cataracts, glaucoma, macular degeneration, and other vision disorders. 
  4. Wear sunglasses: UV rays from the sun can hasten the formation of cataracts. To reduce your exposure, make sure to always wear sunglasses with UVA/UVB protection when outdoors, even during the winter. Also consider wearing a wide brimmed hat whenever you are outside.

Do I Need Cataract Surgery? 5 Signs It’s Time 

Cataracts often affect people as they age. In their early stages, they don’t cause blurred vision or prevent you from leading an active life. In such cases, cataract surgery may be unnecessary. However, what about when cataracts make your daily life difficult? 

You might require cataract surgery if you are experiencing: 

  • Light sensitivity
  • Cloudy or blurry vision 
  • Yellow tint 
  • Double vision 
  • Frequent prescription changes 

Call Our NW Calgary Optometrists Today

Our Calgary eye doctors are happy to be serving you once again! We are currently rescheduling patients on a priority basis and are taking all necessary safety and infection controls to keep our patients, staff, and community safe. 

We are happy to provide cataract management services including all pre and post-cataract surgery care. If you notice changes in your vision or are experiencing any of the above symptoms, call us at 403-286-4884 today or book an appointment online.

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