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5 Ways to Make Sure Your Child’s Eye Exam Goes Smoothly

Is your child due for a visit to their Calgary eye doctor? Here are some simple tips to help prepare your child for their next eye exam so the appointment goes as smoothly as possible.

Given that 80 per cent of learning happens through sight, a vision problem such as myopia or hyperopia can greatly hinder your child’s ability to succeed in school. Left undetected, poor vision will make it harder for your child to: 

  • Focus on schoolwork 
  • Participate fully in sports or other recreational activities
  • Keep up with class reading assignments 
  • Reach their full social and academic potential


At our Calgary eye clinic in Market Mall, our friendly and professional eye doctors can conduct comprehensive children’s eye exams to ensure your child’s vision is developing normally, and detect any vision problems or eye conditions early on when they can be successfully managed and treated. 

Comprehensive Children’s Eye Exams at Our Calgary Eye Clinic in Market Mall

At our Calgary eye clinic, our team of eye doctors provides a wide range of vision services for your children including eye exams, emergency eye care, and contact lens fittings. Whatever their needs, we strive to help them achieve and maintain optimal vision and eye health. 

Want to know more? 


5 Tips to Prepare Your Child for a Visit to The Eye Doctor 

One of the best ways to keep your child’s vision clear is by making sure they visit the eye doctor regularly. This will ensure that any eye problems are detected quickly and treated at an early stage. However, children often feel anxiety at the idea of visiting an eye clinic. 

Luckily, there are some steps you can take to prepare your child for their eye exam and ensure the appointment goes smoothly. 

This includes: 

1. Tell Your Child About the Appointment 
Never keep your child in the dark about their next eye exam. Springing the appointment on them will catch them off guard and only make them more anxious. Instead, make sure you tell your child beforehand and show them pictures of the clinic to help them relax. You may even want to bring them to the clinic before the appointment to get them acclimated so they can feel more comfortable during the test.

2. Give Yourself Time to Prepare 
As a parent, you must also be prepared before taking your child to the eye doctor. You should visit the clinic’s website to see what services they offer or even call them up to see how they go about dealing with children’s eye care. Establishing a rapport beforehand will help you and your little one feel more comfortable. You should also prepare a list of all the concerns you have about your child’s eyesight and take it with you to the appointment.

3. Choose the Best Appointment Time 
If you want to make your visit as pleasant as possible, make sure to choose a time when your child is happy and well-rested. Doing an eye exam during your child’s usual nap time or mealtime, or at the end of a long day, can result in a cranky child that will not participate easily in the vision assessment.

4. Bring Along a Family Member 
Appointments typically last one hour but will take longer if you bring along more than one child. If you are planning a group visit, then make sure to enlist the help of a family member or trusted friend to supervise your other children.

5. Stay Close to Your Child
While some children might sit on the exam chair without prompting, others might feel slightly more anxious. If your child seems nervous, you may want to hold them on your lap during the examination. Older children may feel more confident if you sit in a nearby chair during the assessment.

Contact Us 

To find out more about our children’s eye care services, including eye exams and emergency eye care, and to learn how our team of friendly optometrists can make your visit as stress-free, fun, and easy as possible, contact our Calgary eye clinic at 403-286-4884 or fill in our online contact form.


Q: When should a child have their first eye exam?
The Canadian Association of Optometrists recommends that children have their first eye examination between 6-9 months of age. 

Q: How often should children have eye exams?
Preschool children should undergo at least one eye examination between the ages of 2-5 years. School-children between the ages of 6-19 should undergo an eye examination at least once a year. 

Q: How can I keep my child’s vision clear?
There are many things you can do to keep your child’s eyes healthy including providing them with nutritious healthy meals, giving them age-appropriate toys that are free of sharp edges, watching out for any signs of vision problems, and scheduling regular eye exams with your Calgary optometrist. 

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