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7 Signs Your Child Might Need an Eye Exam

7 Signs Your Child Might Need an Eye Exam

As a parent, recognizing the signs that your child might need an eye exam is crucial for their health and development. Common indicators include squinting, complaints of eye discomfort, difficulty with schoolwork, and avoiding activities that require good vision. Frequent headaches and trouble tracking moving objects are also red flags. Additionally, a family history of vision problems may warrant proactive eye care. Regular eye exams can help catch potential issues early, ensuring your child’s vision remains clear and healthy. At Market Mall Optometry in Calgary, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive eye care for children, helping them thrive academically and socially. Prioritizing eye health is essential for your child’s bright future - book your appointment today!

As a parent, ensuring your child's health and well-being is a top priority. While regular check-ups and vaccinations are well known, eye health can sometimes be overlooked. Children often can’t articulate their vision problems, so it’s crucial to be vigilant about any signs that may indicate a need for an eye exam. At Market Mall Optometry in Calgary, we understand the importance of early detection and care for your child's vision. Here are seven signs that your child might need an eye exam.

1. Squinting or Closing One Eye

If you notice your child squinting frequently or closing one eye, it may indicate they are struggling to see clearly. Squinting is a natural response to try to sharpen focus, but it can also signify underlying vision issues. This behavior might suggest that your child is trying to compensate for blurred vision or misalignment. Observing this pattern during activities like reading or watching TV should prompt an eye exam.

2. Complaints of Eye Discomfort

Children often don’t express discomfort in the same way adults do, but they might complain about their eyes feeling tired, itchy, or burning. If your child frequently rubs their eyes or seems bothered by bright lights, these could be signs of eye strain or sensitivity. Such symptoms warrant a visit to the optometrist to determine the cause and find relief.

3. Difficulty with Schoolwork

If your child is having trouble keeping up in school, particularly with reading or writing, it may be more than just a learning issue. Vision problems can significantly affect academic performance, as poor eyesight can lead to difficulty focusing on the board or reading materials. If your child is struggling, it’s worth having their eyes checked to rule out any vision-related challenges.

4. Avoiding Activities That Require Good Vision

Pay attention to whether your child avoids activities that require clear vision, such as reading, drawing, or sports. If they seem reluctant to participate in these activities, it could indicate they are aware of their vision difficulties. Encouraging your child to share how they feel about these tasks can help identify any concerns that might necessitate an eye exam.

5. Frequent Headaches

Frequent headaches in children can be alarming, especially when they occur after prolonged reading or screen time. Eye strain from undiagnosed vision problems can often lead to headaches. If your child complains about headaches regularly, particularly during or after visual tasks, it’s essential to schedule an eye exam to assess their vision health.

6. Trouble Following Moving Objects

Watch how your child interacts with moving objects, like a ball during sports or a toy being tossed in the air. If they seem to have trouble tracking the movement or frequently miss the object, this could indicate a problem with their visual coordination. Proper eye tracking is vital for many activities, from playing sports to reading, and issues in this area should be evaluated by a professional.

7. Family History of Vision Problems

If there is a family history of vision problems—such as nearsightedness, farsightedness, or eye conditions—it’s wise to be proactive. Children with a family background of eye issues may be at higher risk for developing similar problems. If your child falls into this category, consider scheduling regular eye exams even if they are not showing any signs of difficulty.

As parents, we want the best for our children, and part of that involves ensuring their vision is healthy. Being aware of the signs that may indicate a need for an eye exam can help catch potential issues early, allowing for timely intervention. Regular eye check-ups not only support your child's overall well-being but also contribute to their academic and social success.

If you notice any of these signs in your child, don't hesitate to reach out to us at Market Mall Optometry in Calgary. Our caring team is here to provide comprehensive eye exams and ensure your child's vision is clear and healthy. Early detection and care can make a world of difference in your child's life, allowing them to see the world around them clearly and thrive in their everyday activities. Remember, a healthy vision lays the foundation for a bright future! Contact us if you have any questions.


Q: How often should my child have an eye exam?
Children should have their first eye exam at around six months of age, followed by exams at age three, and then every one to two years, or as recommended by your optometrist.

Q: At what age can children get glasses
Children can get glasses at any age if they need them. Your optometrist will guide you on the best options for your child.

Q: How can I prepare my child for their first eye exam?
Explain the process in simple terms, reassure them that it's a routine check-up, and encourage them to ask questions. You might also consider bringing a favorite toy for comfort. Contact us if you have any questions!

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