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Calgary Dry Eye: Why September's Changing Weather Worsens Dry Eye

Calgary Dry Eye: Why September's Changing Weather Worsens Dry Eye

As September arrives in Calgary, the changing weather often leads to an increase in dry eye symptoms. The drop in humidity, windy conditions, and seasonal allergens can leave your eyes feeling irritated, dry, and uncomfortable. At Market Mall Optometry, we understand how frustrating dry eye can be, especially during this time of year. Our team is here to help you navigate these challenges with expert advice and personalized treatment options. Don't let dry eyes keep you from enjoying the beauty of fall in Calgary. Schedule an appointment with us today and discover effective solutions to keep your eyes comfortable all season long. Take the first step toward clearer, more comfortable vision this September! 

As September rolls into Calgary, the shift from summer to fall brings cooler temperatures, crisp air, and beautiful autumnal scenery. However, for many Calgarians, this seasonal transition also marks the onset of uncomfortable dry eye symptoms. At Market Mall Optometry, we understand the frustration and discomfort that dry eyes can bring, especially during the changing weather of September. In this blog, we’ll explore why this time of year tends to worsen dry eye symptoms and offer practical advice to help you manage them. 

The Drop in Humidity Levels 

One of the main culprits behind worsening dry eyes in September is the significant drop in humidity levels. Calgary is known for its dry climate, and as the summer heat fades, the air becomes even drier. Humidity plays a crucial role in keeping our eyes hydrated; when the air lacks moisture, the natural tear film that protects and lubricates the eyes evaporates more quickly. This leads to the familiar symptoms of dry eye: burning, itching, redness, and a gritty sensation. 

As we transition from the warmth of summer to the cooler days of fall, our eyes struggle to adapt to the reduced humidity. For those already prone to dry eyes, this can result in a noticeable increase in discomfort. To combat this, we recommend using a humidifier in your home or workplace to add moisture to the air. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking plenty of water can help your body produce the natural tears it needs to keep your eyes comfortable. 

Increased Exposure to Allergens 

September not only brings a change in weather but also a rise in airborne allergens. Ragweed pollen, dust, and mold spores become more prevalent during the fall, especially in a city like Calgary where the dry climate allows these particles to linger in the air. For individuals with allergies, this can exacerbate dry eye symptoms, making the eyes even more irritated and inflamed. 

Allergens cause the eyes to produce histamines, leading to itching, watering, and, paradoxically, more dryness as the eyes struggle to cope with the irritation. If you notice your dry eye symptoms worsening in September, it could be due to increased exposure to allergens. We suggest limiting your time outdoors on high-pollen days and using air purifiers indoors to reduce your exposure. Over-the-counter antihistamine eye drops can also provide relief, but it’s always best to consult with an optometrist before starting any new treatment. 

The Impact of Windy Conditions 

September in Calgary often brings windy days as the seasons shift. While a cool breeze can feel refreshing, it can also exacerbate dry eye symptoms. Wind causes tears to evaporate more quickly from the surface of the eye, leaving them dry and unprotected. For people who already experience dry eye, exposure to wind can lead to increased irritation, redness, and discomfort.  

To protect your eyes from the wind, consider wearing wraparound sunglasses or protective eyewear when you’re outside. These can help shield your eyes from direct exposure to the wind, reducing the likelihood of your dry eye symptoms worsening. Additionally, if you wear contact lenses, you might want to switch to glasses on particularly windy days to minimize irritation. 

September is a beautiful month in Calgary, but for those who suffer from dry eye, the changing weather can bring a new set of challenges. The drop in humidity, increased exposure to allergens, and windy conditions all contribute to worsening symptoms during this time of year. At Market Mall Optometry, we’re here to help you manage your dry eye symptoms and find relief. If you’re struggling with dry eyes this September, don’t hesitate to reach out to us for personalized advice and treatment options. 

Remember, you don’t have to endure the discomfort of dry eyes alone. With the right strategies and care, you can enjoy the beauty of fall in Calgary without the burden of dry eye symptoms. Contact Market Mall Optometry today to schedule an appointment and take the first step toward clearer, more comfortable vision this September. 

Written on behalf of Market Mall Optometry. 


Q: Can diet affect my dry eye symptoms in September?
A: A diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids, found in fish and flaxseed, can help improve tear production and reduce dry eye symptoms. 

Q: What should I do if over-the-counter drops aren’t helping?
A: If OTC drops aren't providing relief, it's essential to consult an optometrist at Market Mall Optometry for a thorough evaluation and tailored treatment plan. 

Q: Can indoor heating worsen dry eye symptoms?
A: Yes, indoor heating can reduce humidity levels, which can dry out your eyes. Using a humidifier can help maintain moisture in the air. 

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