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How Following a Healthy Diet Can Reduce Your Risk Of Glaucoma

Glaucoma is a chronic, progressive and irreversible eye condition which can lead to total vision loss. This disease is the second largest cause of blindness worldwide.

This neurological disorder leads to the deterioration of the optic nerve and is often referred to as the thief of sight as it presents no symptoms in its early stages. 50% of glaucoma sufferers don’t even know they have it.

It is suggested that patients receive a comprehensive a glaucoma test whereby a qualified eye doctors can check:

  • Intraocular pressure
  • Drainage angle of your eye
  • Optic nerve health
  • Peripheral vision

Regular eye exams are crucial to diagnosing glaucoma early and preventing any vision loss. Our eye doctors can prescribe conventional and effective treatments to lower the pressure in your eye including:

  • Prescription eye drops
  • Oral medications
  • Laser surgery

But you can naturally help lower your risk of glaucoma!

New research has shown that various natural substances can help relieve intraocular pressure, improve blood flow to the eye and reduce oxidative stress.

The results indicate that improving your diet can help reduce your risk of developing glaucoma.

To keep your eyes healthy, be sure to follow a balanced and healthy diet which includes the following:

  • Fruits and Vegetables
    Compelling research shows that women (55 years and older) who ate 3 or more servings of fruits and vegetables that were high in vitamins A and C had a 79% lower risk of developing glaucoma than those who did not.
    These include foods such as kale, oranges, peaches or collard greens.
  • Omega 3 Fatty Acids
    Omega 3 fat has been found to protect and promote healthy retinal function and ocular blood flow. Not only can it reduce your risk of developing glaucoma, but it has also been found particularly useful in preventing macular degeneration.
    Examples of these foods include salmon, sardines, krill oil, flaxseed oil and nuts.
  • Reduce your caffeine intake
    Caffeine constricts blood flow through the eyes and can increase your intraocular pressure, which adds to your risk of developing glaucoma. The Glaucoma Foundation recommends limiting caffeine to 250 mg (approximately 2 cups of coffee or 1 energy drink) a day.
  • Exercise regularly
    As your insulin levels rise, it can cause your blood pressure and possibly your eye pressure to rise. One of the most effective ways to lower your insulin levels is through regular exercise.
    Consider incorporating strength training and aerobics into your daily routine as it can go a long way in protecting your vision and your overall health.

To learn more about how to keep your vision healthy, contact our Calgary Eye Clinic today at 403-286-4884.


We are conveniently located at Market Mall, on Shaganappi Trail in NW Calgary.

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