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How Optometrists Diagnose And Treat Uveitis

How Optometrists Diagnose And Treat Uveitis

Uveitis is a term that optometrists use to describe a group of eye conditions that affect the Uvea, or the ‘middle layer’ of the eye. People who have these conditions might experience symptoms such as red eyes, inflammation, irritation, and pain to the area. People with certain conditions like autoimmune disease and arthritis may be more prone to developing one of the four types of Uveitis.

Uveitis can become quite serious, leading to permanent vision impairment or total vision loss so it’s best not to ignore signs and symptoms. Here are the ways your eye doctor can recognize, diagnose, and treat Uveitis.

How Your Optometrist Tests for Uveitis

Types of Uveitis. Uveitis is a group of disorders of the eye that affect the Uvea, Retina and/or Sclera. The different types of Uveitis are:

  1. Posterior Uveitis. This is the most severe, and least common type of Uveitis. It affects the inner part of the eye and often has acute symptoms that can last for years.
  2. Anterior Uveitis. Anterior Uveitis is a more common, and less severe eye condition caused by inflammation of the eye. You are at a higher risk of developing this type if you have certain pre-existing autoimmune diseases, certain viral infections, arthritis, or gastrointestinal disease.
  3. Intermediate Uveitis. This type typically affects young people with bouts of symptoms that come and go with treatment. About 30% of individuals with Intermediate Uveitis also have Multiple Sclerosis or Sarcoidosis.
  4. Panuveitis. Although rare, it is possible that Uveitis affects all three layers of the eye which substantially increases the chances of complete vision loss.

Testing for Uveitis. Your Eye Doctor can complete a number of tests to determine if you have Uveitis, and what type it could be. Through a comprehensive eye examination they can use a combination of the following tests to help making a diagnosis:

  • Tonometry: eye pressure measurement
  • Dilated Exam: allows your optometrist to look inside the pupils
  • Eye Charts: tests for visual impairments due due to vision loss
  • Slit Lamp: examines the interior of the eye
  • Fluorescein Angiography: allows your eye doctorview blood vessels within the eye
  • Visual Field Test: identifies optic nerve damage
  • OCT Images: Detailed 2-D, or 3-D images of blood flow within the retina
  • Additional blood tests, or imaging as required

Calgary Uveitis Treatment Options

Treating Uveitis. If you are diagnosed with one of these conditions, your optometrist will have a variety of options to help control the disease and manage the symptoms. Here are some common ways to treat Uveitis:

  1. Drops. Often, Uveitis can be treated with eye drops. These drops can help to reduce pain and discomfort associated with the condition.
  2. Immunosuppressant Medication. These types of medications work well for those who are struggling with inflammation of the eyes. If your vision is in jeopardy, your healthcare provider will most likely diagnose an immunosuppressant.
  3. Steroids. Corticosteroids are another way to get rid of inflammation in the eyes. These can be a drop, pill, or ointment for ease of use at home. Other options include injections, implants, or intravenous applications which would be administered by a doctor.
  4. Prescription Medication. When Uveitis is caused by a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection, your doctor will prescribe you medication to treat the root cause of the condition.

If you are struggling with discomfort and irritation of the eyes, don’t wait until it’s too late. Keep your vision in check with a thorough comprehensive eye exam by a professional and experienced Optometrist. The vision experts at Market Mall Optometry in NW Calgary will guide you through from start to finish and ensure your eyes are well cared for. Call 1-403-286-3994 to book your appointment today, or fill out the contact form to have someone reach out to you.


Q: What can happen if Uveitis is left untreated?
A: It’s important not to ignore your symptoms and to have regular eye examinations even if you do not have any vision concerns. Without treatment Uveitis can cause a number of issues such as a detached retina, vision loss, vitreous gel damage, or can develop into worse eye conditions such as glaucoma or cataracts. If you live in Calgary, contact the team at Market Mall for a thorough examination.

Q: Can Uveitis be avoided?
A: Taking part in anything that is good for your ocular health is always a good idea to avoid all types of chronic eye conditions. Some ideas are:

  • Eating leafy greens
  • Eating/taking Omega 3 supplements
  • Regular exercise
  • Taking breaks from screens every 20 minutes, for 20 seconds, and looking 20 feet away
  • Getting your vision tested by your Calgary eye doctor

Q: Am I at a higher risk for developing Uveitis?
A: Anyone can develop Uveitis but you are at higher risk if you have a pre-existing disease or condition that causes inflammation, or are a woman between the ages of 40-60. Stay on top of your vision with regular testing by your Calgary Optometrist. Call 1-403-286-3994 to book an appointment.

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