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How Rubbing Your Eyes Can Harm Your Vision

Experiencing itchy or dry eyes? Here’s why it’s important to book an eye exam or dry eye care with one of our optometrists today.


Whether you’re tired, your eyes feel itchy or you’ve spent a long day working at your computer, when your eyes are irritated, you may find yourself rubbing them. However, while this can give you temporary relief, in the long term it can also have dangerous and harmful side effects such as:

  • Eye injuries
  • Eye damage
  • Vision loss

At Market Mall Optometry, we provide comprehensive dry eye care treatment and eye emergency services to help keep your vision safe and comfortable.

If you are experiencing chronic eye itchiness or dryness, our eye doctors can help.


4 Reasons Not To Rub Your Eyes

1. Increased Risk of Infection

We use our hands constantly throughout the day and during this time, they collect a lot of bacteria. Rubbing your eye, particularly with dirty hands, means that you risk transferring the bacteria and exposing your eyes to potentially serious infections.

For patients suffering from allergies, rubbing your eyes will only release more histamines into the sensitive tissue of your eyes, making the itchiness worse.

Learn More: Dry Eye Syndrome


2. Potential for Injury

There may be many reasons why your eyes are itchy but if the cause is a foreign object in your eye, rubbing it is the least effective and most dangerous way to get rid of it as this may scratch or further damage the cornea.

If you suspect you have a foreign object in your eye, it is important to seek eye emergency care immediately to avoid infection and the possibility of lost vision.


3. Long-term Side Effects

Rubbing your eyes over a long period of time can lead to the thinning of the cornea. This in turn can lead to recurring infections, or worse, keratoconus, which causes a permanent deterioration of vision, diagnosed only through a comprehensive eye exam.

4. Dark Circles Under Your Eyes

Habitually rubbing your eyes can cause the blood vessels beneath the surface of your skin to break and appear as dark rings around or under your eyes. It can even lead to puffiness and contribute to early signs of aging such as crow’s feet and drooping eyelids.

Calgary Dry Eye Care: Preventing Itchy Eyes

To help mitigate itchy eyes, especially allergy-induced itching, here are a few indoor/outdoor tips to keep in mind.



Vacuum regularly to reduce amount of dust in your home.

Don’t dry your clothes outside because outdoor allergens tend to stick to the fabrics.

Keep your windows closed to reduce outdoor allergens.

Wear a face mask and gloves before doing any outdoor work.

Avoid smoking inside.

Take a shower after being outside to remove all the allergens that have stuck in your clothes and hair.

Keep your pets out of your bedroom and other areas you spend a significant amount of time in.

Be aware of pollen counts, which are highest in the morning from 5 am - 10 am.


Schedule an Eye Exam

If itchy or dry eyes are left untreated, eye infections can develop along with other long-term and serious eye conditions. If you are suffering from chronic dry eye, it may be the time to discuss dry eye care treatment options with one of our optometrists

Call our eye clinic today at 403-286-4884.


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