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Digital Eye Strain

Digital Eye Strain

If you sit at a computer all day and have persistent symptoms like headaches, difficulty focusing and blurry vision, you could be suffering from Digital Eye Strain. This is an increasing problem, but our eye care specialists can help.

If you are suffering from these, or other symptoms, contact our office or book your appointment today.


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What is Digital Eye Strain?

Digital Eye Strain is the temporary discomfort in your vision that results after a prolonged time in front of a digital device. Digital eye strain can cause you to exert extra focusing effort which could lead to a variety of different vision problems.


What are the Causes of Digital Eye Strain?

Digital eye strain is caused by extensive use of digital devices, including desktop computers, laptops, smartphones, televisions, tablets, gaming systems, and e-readers. 


What are the Symptoms of Digital Eye Strain?

Symptoms of digital eye strain include, but are not limited to:

  • Irritated, itchy eyes
  • Eye fatigue
  • Watery or dry eyes
  • Blurred vision
  • Double vision
  • Eye fatigue
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Pain in your neck, shoulders, or back
  • Headaches
  • Trouble focusing


What are the Steps to Treating Digital Eye Strain?

If you experience symptoms of digital eye strain, try implementing these tips to your lifestyle:

  • Increase your distance from your screen. Screens should be about an arm’s length away from your eyes and slightly below eye level.
  • Adjust your screen. Set the colour, contrast, and brightness of your screen to best suit the comfort level of your eyes.
  • Minimize glare. Use a protective anti-glare screen cover on your devices to protect your eyes from unnecessary glare.
  • Clean your screen. Ensure your screen is free of fingerprints and dust to enhance your visual clarity.
  • Use the 20-20-20 rule. Every 20 minutes take a 20 seconds break and look at something at least 20 feet away, allowing your eyes to take a much-needed break.
  • Blink. Remember to blink! Looking at a digital screen for too long can reduce how often you blink causing your eyes to become dry. Try relieving some discomfort by using eye drops and gels.
  • Wear your glasses. Our optometrists can discuss which glasses are most suitable for your vision and eye health. Consider asking for an anti-reflective coating on your glasses lenses which will allow for more eye comfort when looking at digital devices.


Contact Us Today

If you have persistent symptoms of digital eye strain, including headaches and difficulty focusing, schedule a comprehensive eye exam or call our office at 403-286-4884 today.

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