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5 Reasons You Must Schedule a Contact Lens Fitting

Are you planning on switching from glasses to contact lenses? Here are 5 reasons why it’s so important to have a contact lens fitting first.

For patients who require vision correction, contact lenses offer a safe, comfortable, and very convenient alternative to eyeglasses. Your Calgary eye doctor may recommend them due to their numerous advantages, which include:

  • A wider and improved field of vision
  • Enhanced safety, especially if you’re highly active
  • Less visual distortions
  • Greater visual acuity


Our Comprehensive Contact Lens Fittings Help Protect The Clarity of Your Vision

At our Calgary eye clinic, our optometrists offer a comprehensive contact lens fitting service to check the health of your eye and determine whether or not contact lenses are the safest and best decision for your vision needs and lifestyle.

Want to know more?

Calgary Contact Lens Fitting


5 Reasons Why Contact Lens Fittings Are So Important

There are many factors that go into choosing the best contact lens for each individual patient, which is why scheduling a contact lens fitting with your Calgary eye doctor is so important before you begin to wear the lenses.

Here are 5 reasons why you need to book a contact lens fitting:

  1. Prescription Changes. If you have been wearing the same contact lenses for a period of time, your prescription may have changed. A contact lens fitting will allow your optometrist to determine if you need updated powers for your lenses. Remember: Contact lens prescriptions are not the same as eyeglasses prescriptions.

  2. The Right Fitting. To help you see clearly, your contact lens has to fit just right. Using a keratometer, your optometrist can measure the curvature of your cornea to determine which contact lens size is the best option for you.

  3. You Need Contacts That Fit Your Lifestyle. What are you planning on using your contact lenses for? Will you be using them every day, or only for special occasions? Contacts come in daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, and annual replacement schedules. During a contact lens fitting, your optometrist can assess your eye health and wearing schedule and suggest the most cost-effective option for you.

  4. Comfort is everything. You want a contact lens that will be comfortable to wear. And while a lens may fit well, it may not be comfortable. This has a lot to do with the material of the lens, and the only way your eye doctor will know which lens material is right for you is through a contact lens fitting.

  5. You must take into consideration any eye conditions you have. If you have, or have previously had, an eye problem, this will affect your lens choice. Your optometrist will be able to take into consideration conditions such as dry eyes, allergies, corneal scars, or irregular surfaces, and may even need to fit you with a specialty lens.


What to Expect From a Contact Lens Fitting

Typically, a contact lens fitting is divided into two parts: a consultation and the fitting. During the consultation, your optometrist will talk to you about your:

  • Lifestyle
  • Preferences
  • Medical history

This will be used as a basis for your fitting. Once your doctor has determined what type of contact lenses you would like, then you move onto the fitting.


The Contact Lens Fitting

Our eyes come in all different sizes - and one size of contact lens does not fit all. If you are fitted with the wrong lens, it could irritate or damage your eye. During this portion of the exam, your optometrist will:

  • Measure the curvature of your cornea
  • Measure your pupil and iris size
  • Perform a tear film evaluation if you suffer from dry eyes
  • Provide you with a set of trial lenses
  • Go over how to care for your lenses and provide basic training

Contacts vs. Eyeglasses


Enjoy Clearer Vision Today

To find out more about the costs and benefits of our contact lens fittings, and other vision services, including emergency eye care, glaucoma testing, and cataract management, visit our Calgary eye clinic at 3625 Shaganappi Trail NW., Calgary, AB T3A 0E2.

Alternatively, you can contact us at 403-286-4884 or book a contact lens fitting online.

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