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5 Reasons to Consider Laser Eye Surgery

Are you thinking about undergoing Lasik eye surgery? Laser eye surgery is an excellent option for patients who wear eyeglasses or contact lenses, but before you make a decision, here’s what you need to know about this procedure.

Laser eye surgery is becoming an increasingly popular procedure that is used to correct vision for people who are farsighted, nearsighted, or have astigmatism. When performed by a trained professional, it is a safe treatment and suited for many individuals. 

However, there are certain factors that may affect your candidacy, including: 

  • If you have uncontrolled diabetes/autoimmune disease
  • Your age 
  • If you are pregnant 
  • If you suffer from vision conditions such as keratoconus or glaucoma 

Our Optometrists Can Help Protect Your Eye Health 

Before you undergo laser eye surgery, it is always best to visit your Calgary optometrist for a consultation. They can help determine whether this is the right treatment choice for you and give you advice on how to protect your vision. 

Laser Eye Surgery Consultations at Our Eye Clinic in Market Mall

At our eye clinic in Market Mall, we offer Lasik eye surgery consultations, during which our optometrists can assess your lifestyle, medical and eye health history, and age, to help determine if you are a good candidate for laser eye surgery. We also offer a wide range of other eye health services, including cataract management, glaucoma testing, and contact lens fittings, to help address all your vision needs. 

Want to know more? 


What Vision Problems Can Laser Eye Surgery Address? 

Laser eye surgery is an innovative treatment that is an affordable way to deal with various concerns linked with poor vision. Some of the vision problems that can be addressed with this surgery include: 

  • Hyperopia (farsightedness)
  • Myopia (nearsightedness)
  • Astigmatism
  • Presbyopia

Following Lasik eye surgery, not only will you get to enjoy clearer vision, but you’ll also be free from the restrictions caused by wearing eyeglasses or contact lenses, and you can feel more confident in your skin.


Top Benefits of Laser Eye Surgery 

Whatever your eye health concerns or conditions, laser eye surgery can provide an excellent solution. The procedure involves the use of a computer-controlled laser that is designed to correct the shape of your cornea. 

Once your vision has been corrected, you will no longer need to wear contact lenses or eyeglasses. Here are some of the benefits you’ll receive following the surgery: 

  1. Improved vision. Studies have shown that following laser eye surgery, the majority of patients enjoyed greatly enhanced vision.
  2. Long-lasting results. Following a stabilization period of approximately three months for the eyes to adjust, the results from laser eye surgery are expected to be permanent. This means your improved eyesight will last barring any normal loss due to aging or illness.
  3. Quick results and fast recovery. For most patients, they can return to their normal schedule as soon as the day after the surgery! Imagine having near perfect vision within a day.
  4. Say goodbye to contact lenses. Laser eye surgery will save you money in the long run because you won’t have to regularly pay for your contact lenses.
  5. You can wear all styles of sunglasses. It can be difficult and expensive for people with a prescription to find a good pair of sunglasses. However, after laser eye surgery, you can wear any style of shades you please and never have to purchase expensive prescription sunglasses again.

Book a Laser Eye Surgery Appointment With Our Calgary Optometrist 

Are you tired of wearing eyeglasses and spending money on contact lenses? Our optometrists provide comprehensive laser eye surgery consultations to determine if this is a safe procedure for you. To find out more, contact our Calgary eye clinic at 403-286-4884 or fill in our online contact form.

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