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Is My Child Old Enough For Contact Lenses?


One of the most common questions people have about contact lenses and their child is: when is my child old enough to wear contact lenses?

Although many kid’s eye doctors begin encouraging contact lens wear between the ages of 11-14, wearing lenses is less a matter of age and more about whether your child is responsible enough to care for his/her contact lenses correctly.

Through a comprehensive contact lens fitting, our experienced kid’s eye doctor can help determine whether contact lenses or eyeglasses are the best option for your child.


How Do I Know if My Child Is Ready For Contact Lenses?

When your child begins to express an interest in wearing contact lenses, it is important to book an appointment with a kid’s eye doctor. It is also important to think about how they handle other responsibilities. For example:

  • Do they practice good oral hygiene habits?
  • Do they keep their rooms clean?
  • Do they complete their homework on time?
  • Do they follow through with household chores?

If so, they are likely to be good candidates for contact lenses. Children who require constant reminders to follow good hygiene practices may not be ready for the important responsibility of wearing and caring for contact lenses properly.

Are Contact Lens Safe For My Child?

As a parent, it is natural to have some concerns about the safety of contact lenses for your child but rest assured that they are a perfectly safe and effective option for kids requiring vision correction.

As most kid’s eye doctors can attest to, the key here is that the lenses must be cleaned regularly and stored correctly to prevent the risk of infection or dry eyes.


  • Adjusting to contact lenses takes time and patience so your child must be committed to wearing them.

  • Your child must be committed and responsible enough to clean his/her lenses nightly.

  • Contact Lenses are designed to be comfortable but can become dry towards the end of the day and should be removed as soon as possible.


Benefits of Wearing Contact Lenses For Children  

Aside from no longer needing to worry about mishaps such as lost or broken eyeglasses, contact lenses offer many benefits for children including:

1. Better vision

This is especially true of gas permeable lenses, which tend to offer clearer vision than traditional eyeglasses. They also give a wider field of view, causing less vision distortions and obstructions.

2. Good for sports

Not only do contact lenses reduce the risk of injury due to broken frames and shattered lenses during sports, they also provide better peripheral vision which can improve performance on the field.

3. Improve children’s self-esteem

Wearing contact lenses has been found to improve children’s personal perception of their appearance and boost their self-esteem. This can lead to better school performance, higher grades and closer friendships.

4. Protect your child’s eye health

Opting for contact lenses with UV protection has proven to reduce children’s risk of eye problems such as cataracts and macular degeneration later on in their lifetime.

Learn More

To learn more about the benefits of contact lenses for children, contact one of our kid’s eye doctors today at 403-286-4884.

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