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Blogs tagged with "Calgary Contact Lenses"

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  • Nov 16, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

How to Look After Your Eye Health During a Vacation

Are you planning a winter vacation? Our eyes are one of the most sensitive organs in the body and they need proper care to prevent any problems or abnormalities. Whether or not you wear eyeglasses/contact lenses, there are a number of ways you. . .

  • Nov 02, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

3 Common Problems With New Eyeglasses & How to Fix Them

Are your eyeglasses feeling a little heavy or uncomfortable? Here are 3 common problems with new glasses and how our eye doctors can help you fix them! Vision correction, whether it is done by prescription eyeglasses or contact lenses, is very. . .

  • Sep 11, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

4 Types of Special Contact Lenses For Hard to Fit Eyes

Contact lenses are a comfortable and flexible vision correction alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Your eye doctor can recommend the perfect pair to suit your lifestyle and eye-health needs. When it comes to vision correction, contact. . .

  • Sep 04, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

Why You Should Never Wear Ill-Fitting Contact Lenses

Are you considering wearing contact lenses? Here's why it's important to visit your Calgary eye doctor first. Contact lenses are a safe, comfortable and convenient alternative to traditional eyeglasses. However, they are not a. . .

  • Jul 17, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

4 Signs Your Child's Prescription Has Changed

Small changes in your child's vision can often go unnoticed, but that doesn't mean they should be ignored. Here are 4 signs that may indicate it's time for a kid's eye exam. Last year, your child had an eye exam and you. . .

  • Jul 03, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

4 Tips to Prevent Eye Strain

While eye strain is not often a serious condition, it can be frustrating, especially for contact lens wearers. Our Calgary eye doctors provide comprehensive dry eye care services to keep your vision clear & comfortable.   Eye strain is a very. . .

  • Jun 05, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

How to Select the Right Lenses for Your New Eyeglasses

Not all lenses are the same. Choosing the right ones is essential and should be one of your first considerations when selecting eyeglasses. The lenses you choose for your eyeglasses - even more than the frames - will often determine how happy. . .

  • May 29, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

Dry Eye Care Tips for The Spring and Summer

While the warmer days of spring and the approaching summer are welcomed by many Canadians, for others, the hot weather brings with it dry eyes - a common condition that can strike anyone. Dry eyes are more likely to occur during the. . .

  • May 15, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

4 Tips on Getting Your Teen To Wear Eyeglasses

A teenager needs many abilities to succeed in school and one of the key elements is good vision. In fact, it has been estimated that as much as 80% of the learning a child does occurs through his/her eyes. Scheduling annual eye exams with the. . .

  • Nov 02, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Is My Child Old Enough For Contact Lenses?

Overview One of the most common questions people have about contact lenses and their child is: when is my child old enough to wear contact lenses? Although many kid’s eye doctors begin encouraging contact lens wear between the ages of 11-14,. . .

  • Oct 03, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Are Contact Lenses Bad For Your Eyes?

Contact lenses have proven to be a healthy vision option for millions of patients and if you follow all the prescribed steps for inserting, removing and caring for them, contact lenses will continue to be safe and effective. Because lenses reduce. . .

  • Sep 12, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Too Much Screen Time May Pose Risks For Children'™s Vision

Today, millions of children use computers on a daily basis. However, extensive viewing of the computer screen has been shown to lead to symptoms of eye strain, including: Eye discomfort Fatigue Blurred vision Dry and sore eyes Double. . .

  • Sep 07, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Contact Lenses For Dry Eyes

Do you suffer from dry eyes when wearing contact lenses? Dry eye syndrome is a common issue for both contact-lens wearers and non-wearers. But the good news is that with the help of our qualified Calgary eye doctors, you can find a treatment plan. . .

  • Jan 15, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Properly Caring for your Contact Lenses and Your Eyes

People choose to wear contact lenses instead of glasses for a variety of reasons. The increased vision range, more natural aesthetic and increased security make them a popular choice. However, if you do choose to wear contact lenses you put yourself. . .

  • Jan 08, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Glasses or Contact Lenses?

Personal preference is what mostly determines whether or not you choose glasses or contact lenses. Comfort, convenience, lifestyle, budget and aesthetics all play an important role in the decision making process. Both glasses and contact lenses. . .

  • Jan 01, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

A Guide to The Different Types of Contact Lenses

If you are considering contact lenses there are a few things you should know. This basic guide will be able to answer some of your questions and help you decide if contact lenses might be right for you. Whether you are able to wear contact lenses is. . .

  • May 14, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Contact Lenses or Glasses?

Contact lenses and glasses are both wonderful inventions that impact your ability to see and experience the world. Have you ever wondered if one solution is better than the other? Advantages to glasses include: reducing the amount of eye. . .

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