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Blogs tagged with "NW Calgary Eye Doctor"

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  • Dec 28, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

Signs and Symptoms of Eye Strain in Children

Is your child complaining of headaches and vision discomfort? These common signs of eye fatigue may indicate it’s time to visit a children’s eye doctor.   A child needs many abilities to do well in school and one of the key elements is good. . .

  • Sep 25, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

The Truth About Cataracts

When it comes to cataracts, many of us could use a little clarity. From diagnosis to cataract management, here’s everything you need to know about the eye condition from a Calgary eye doctor. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural. . .

  • Sep 11, 2017
  • Market Mall Optometry

4 Types of Special Contact Lenses For Hard to Fit Eyes

Contact lenses are a comfortable and flexible vision correction alternative to traditional eyeglasses. Your eye doctor can recommend the perfect pair to suit your lifestyle and eye-health needs. When it comes to vision correction, contact. . .

  • Nov 30, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Protect Your Vision With Different Lens Coatings

Overview Every patient’s eyes are different. That’s why the lenses for your eyeglasses should be tailored to your individual needs and not just your prescription. One of the most important choices when considering lenses for your. . .

  • Sep 28, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Comprehensive Optical Coverage For Alberta Seniors

For senior patients, the need for particular eye care services such as cataract management and glaucoma testing is very important. Knowing when to seek professional eye care can help you safeguard your vision. The good news is that Alberta offers. . .

  • Sep 12, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Too Much Screen Time May Pose Risks For Children'™s Vision

Today, millions of children use computers on a daily basis. However, extensive viewing of the computer screen has been shown to lead to symptoms of eye strain, including: Eye discomfort Fatigue Blurred vision Dry and sore eyes Double. . .

  • Feb 19, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

The Importance of UV Protection Sunglasses

Wearing proper sunglasses is very important when it comes to keeping our eyes healthy. Our eyes can be easily damaged by Ultraviolet (UV) light from the sun. What is UV light? UV light is a type of electromagnetic radiation that is invisible to. . .

  • Feb 12, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

The Link Between Sleep and Eye Health

Canadians are suffering from an epidemic of inadequate sleep and it is causing some serious health related consequences. According to an article by the CBC nearly 60 percent of Canadian adults feel tired most of the time, and only get an average of. . .

  • Feb 05, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Dry Eyes: Symptoms and Remedies

What does “dry eyes” mean? Dry eyes can occur when your eyes cannot produce enough tears, or when the tears are the wrong consistency and evaporate too quickly to keep your eyes moist. This may, in some cases, cause the surface of your eyes. . .

  • Jan 15, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Properly Caring for your Contact Lenses and Your Eyes

People choose to wear contact lenses instead of glasses for a variety of reasons. The increased vision range, more natural aesthetic and increased security make them a popular choice. However, if you do choose to wear contact lenses you put yourself. . .

  • Jan 08, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

Glasses or Contact Lenses?

Personal preference is what mostly determines whether or not you choose glasses or contact lenses. Comfort, convenience, lifestyle, budget and aesthetics all play an important role in the decision making process. Both glasses and contact lenses. . .

  • Jan 01, 2016
  • Market Mall Optometry

A Guide to The Different Types of Contact Lenses

If you are considering contact lenses there are a few things you should know. This basic guide will be able to answer some of your questions and help you decide if contact lenses might be right for you. Whether you are able to wear contact lenses is. . .

  • Dec 18, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Children's Eye Health

Vision and learning go hand in hand. Effective learning in the classroom relies heavily on a child’s ability to see the blackboard clearly and read text at close range. This is why so many teachers recommend that parents have their children’s. . .

  • Dec 04, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

The Effects of Extensive Computer Use on Children's Eyes

As Canadian children spend more and more time using computers, laptops, tablets and smartphones for both school and play they are increasingly straining their eyes. Both adults and children are at risk for a variety of strain factors, including. . .

  • Dec 04, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Colour Blindness

What Is Colour Blindness? Colour blindness is a deficiency that affects how people see colours, and how the differentiate between different colours. The most common types of colour blindness cause individuals to be unable to distinguish between. . .

  • Nov 20, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetes can lead to a variety of other health problems including vision problems. Over time the high blood sugar levels from Diabetes can damage the retina, a condition called Diabetic Retinopathy. The retina is the located at the back of your eye. . .

  • Nov 13, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Eyes and Nutrition

Healthy eyes, and good vision, are both integral to maintaining a good quality of life. That is why we all know to wear sunglasses to protect our eyes from UV radiation, to visit our optometrists regularly and to rest our eyes when we spend long. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Eye Conditions: Glaucoma

What is Glaucoma? Glaucoma is a progressive medical condition that causes damage to the eye’s optic nerve caused by elevated pressure inside the eye. It is the second-leading cause of blindness.   What causes Glaucoma? Glaucoma occurs when. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Age Related Macular Degeneration

What is Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD)? AMD involved the centre of your vision becoming blurry whereas the peripheral vision remain unaffected. AMD is the leading cause of blindness in North America for adults over the age of 55. . . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Eye Conditions: Cataracts

What are cataracts? This condition occurs when a healthy clear eye lens becomes cloudy and results in blurred vision. Majority of people with cataracts are over the age of 60, though there are cases of children who are born with cataract. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry


What is presbyopia? Presbyopia is a gradual loss of the eye’s ability to focus on nearby objects because of the decrease in elasticity and flexibility of the eye. It is not preventable as it is a part of natural aging. The age at which presbyopia. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry


What is astigmatism? Astigmatism is a common eye condition where the vision is blurred due to the irregular shape of the cornea or eye lens.   What causes astigmatism? When the cornea or the lens inside the eye is a cylindrical shape instead of. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Farsightedness (hyperopia)

What is hyperopia? Hyperopia, commonly known as farsightedness, is a condition where the eye sees distant objects more clearly than near objects. This is caused by the cornea having less curvature, resulting in difficulty focusing on near object. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry


What is myopia? Myopia is a common visual condition where the eye is unable to focus on distant images. Nearly 30% of the Canadian population are affect either through inheritance or spontaneous occurrence.   What are the symptoms of. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Lazy Eye

What is amblyopia? Commonly known as lazy eye, amblyopia is a disorder where vision is lost in one eye as a result of an uncorrected prescription during the early stages of development.   What causes amblyopia? When one eye transmits a clear. . .

  • Sep 17, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Crossed Eyes

Strabismus, or commonly known as crossed eyes, refers to a lack of coordination between the muscles in which the eyes are not properly aligned with each other. Patients with crossed eyes often experience double vision or confusion.   What causes. . .

  • May 20, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Summer Time! Protect Your Eyes Out There

Before you head out this summer, make sure you’re aware of the potential factors that can be really harmful to your eyes. Protect your eyes during the summer months by doing the following: Make sure you and your family have proper. . .

  • May 14, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

Contact Lenses or Glasses?

Contact lenses and glasses are both wonderful inventions that impact your ability to see and experience the world. Have you ever wondered if one solution is better than the other? Advantages to glasses include: reducing the amount of eye. . .

  • Apr 21, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

The Amazing Human Eye: 20 Interesting Facts

It’s your favourite sense. Sight! A gift that allow us to see and appreciate the world around us. At Market Mall Optometry, we encourage you to take care of your eyes by having them routinely examined. We have compiled a list of factoids about. . .

  • Mar 06, 2015
  • Market Mall Optometry

NW Calgary Eye Doctor: Tips on Maintaining Healthy Vision

Overview: Do you find that you are you squinting more than usual? Is staring at the computer screen giving you a headache? If you can’t see the movie clearly even when you’re sitting in the front row, you should read the following blog to get. . .

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